About Catholic Coffee

Proudly roasted in Charlotte, NC

We at Catholic Coffee™ believe in truth, goodness, beauty, and great coffee. Our faith informs everything we do. We endeavor, like Our Lord Jesus Christ, to “do all things well.” That’s why our experienced roasters take great care to roast our beans to the highest standards possible. 

We use only fresh, ethically-sourced coffee beans. We roast, package, and ship each batch by hand right here in the U.S.A. We work hard to craft delicious coffee, presented in beautiful packaging that will bring beauty to your home and a prayer to your lips each time you brew a fresh pot.

We hope that each cup of Catholic Coffee™ will lift your spirits and bring a bit of the divine into your home.



Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA

The Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA is one of the largest dioceses in the country, serving over 1.8 million active military and government personnel and their families. Spread throughout the United States and around the globe, the Catholic members of our military are training at bases, protecting our freedom abroad, serving in embassies, and being treated in VA hospitals, all while striving to live their Catholic Faith. 

These special men and women and their families make countless sacrifices to our nation, and yet they are being underserved spiritually. Deployed military members can go months (sometimes their entire deployment) without access to the Mass and the sacraments. 

The sad fact is that there are not enough priests to serve those who are serving us!  With just over 200 Catholic chaplains serving 1.8 million servicemen and women spread throughout the world, often in dangerous or hard-to-access areas, the military needs more priests. 

Through our special partnership with the Archdiocese of the Military Services, USA, Catholic Coffee will donate a portion of our sales to directly support priestly vocations. 
For more information on the Archdiocese of the Military Services, USA, the sole endorser of Catholic priests to serve as military chaplains, you can visit their website here: milarch.org

Saint Isidore Corps

In May of 2021 two Catholic Company employees made the 1100 mile trek from Charlotte, North Carolina to rural Maine. There, they met up with two other missionaries sponsored by the Catholic Company and Catholic Coffee to launch our new not-for-profit ministry: The Saint Isidore Corps. Named after the patron saint of farmers, the mission of The Saint Isidore Corps is to serve rural, impoverished communities by performing Christ’s beatitudes. This summer our missionaries will be working in the communities of Jay, Livermore Falls, and Farmington, Maine, alongside our friend and partner in this work, Father Paul Dumais from the Diocese of Portland, Maine. 

Closer to home, the Catholic Company has had a long term relationship with The Missionaries of the Poor (MOP) who have a monastery in Monroe, North Carolina, only about 45 minutes from our offices in Charlotte.  The Saint Isidore Corps will be a part of our ongoing contribution of resources and missionary help to the MOP and to other organizations in rural North Carolina who need spiritual and material assistance 

Every purchase of Catholic Coffee™ supports the work of The Saint Isidore Corps.