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St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael the Archangel defends us, at God’s command, from Satan—who is tireless in his quest to tempt souls away from Christ. But St. Michael never tires, either. He charges into battle with us each time we invoke his aid to resist temptation.

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Michael means “Who is like God?” He is the warrior angel, the famous foe of Satan, who is the champion of God’s people and guardian and protector of the Church (Rev. 12:7-9). After Lucifer proclaimed non serviam– “I will not serve”–Michael stayed with God, responding how we are a called to respond to God’s call: serviam– “I will serve.”

Saint Michael the Archangel is the patron of spiritual warfare, dying people, grocers, soldiers, fencing, banking, and artists. He was the leader of God’s army during the uprising of Lucifer and is honored in not only Christianity but also Judaism and Islam. Saint Michael the Archangel is considered to be the guardian and protector of the Church. His feast day is September 29th.